I'd like to develop the idea of a forum for peer-reviewing papers, introduced in a previous post. To recap, I suggested a sort of pre-publication review circle, which was basically derived from Adam's thoughts on non-academic peer-review.
I've found there are about half a dozen papers out there that would enjoy this process. That's a promising start! Each of these papers lacks the polishing gained by peers, and I know myself that I can get my own thoughts down fairly easily but it takes the critical attention of skeptics to move from muddle to polish.
I think there's a definate need. Here are some trial guidelines, but they are just some notes I jotted down. Comments definately demanded!
Great idea. Looking forward to using the forum; there's a lot of stuff to dust off in my digital drawer, and I'm pretty sure that I'm not alone.
"FC++: Advances in Financial Cryptography" sounds good enough to me. "Increments" is a bit forced, IMHO.
Thanks for taking the initiative!
Great idea I will not contribute because I'm not able to but it would be a great source for learning.
Posted by: Jimbo at March 31, 2005 09:32 PMPeer review is hard. It takes a major commitment of time and energy. The field is fragmented and only a tiny fraction of even specialists will be interested and qualified to review a given paper. Chances are you will have an easier time getting people to offer papers and ask for reviews than finding people to read them and provide useful comments.
Posted by: Cypherpunk at April 1, 2005 03:21 PMCypherpunk, you've stated the problem... we know peer review is hard. When someone sends me an essay to review, it takes me minimum one hard hour to turn it around, more like a day.
What I've suggested is one way to get more peer-review, by opening up to a wider audience. Of course these reviews will lack the stamp of respectability of the academic conferences but that's not their intention. I've found more summed value in (my) peers reviewing my work than I have found from the comments by academic committees. That's perhaps because the academics are looking to signal to other people the quality of what they see, whereas people who comment without incentives and deadlines are more looking to improve the quality rather than signal it to others.
Posted by: Iang at April 2, 2005 01:26 PMIt would be interesting to take a closer look at a very similar project over at D. D. Friedman's website: http://www.daviddfriedman.com/JIE/jie.htm
The Journal of Interesting Economics
Do you think it was a success or a failure? It surely succeeded in bringing some very interesting economics to my attention. To a large extent, it was D. D. Friedman who made me (and some of my friends) interested in economics and, as a consequence, in financial cryptography. JIE was certainly something that I've always read with interest. However, I don't know how useful it was from an author's point of view. Maybe Nick Szabo, who, AFAIK, is involved with FC as well, could comment on his experience with JIE as an author.
Posted by: Daniel A. Nagy at April 2, 2005 09:57 PM