April 06, 2014

The evil of cryptographic choice (2) -- how your Ps and Qs were mined by the NSA

One of the excuses touted for the Dual_EC debacle was that the magical P & Q numbers that were chosen by secret process were supposed to be defaults. Anyone was at liberty to change them.

Epic fail! It turns out that this might have been just that, a liberty, a hope, a dream. From last week's paper on attacking Dual_EC:

"We implemented each of the attacks against TLS libraries described above to validate that they work as described. Since we do not know the relationship between the NIST- specified points P and Q, we generated our own point Q′ by first generating a random value e ←R {0,1,...,n−1} where n is the order of P, and set Q′ = eP. This gives our trapdoor value d ≡ e−1 (mod n) such that dQ′ = P. (Our random e and its corresponding d are given in the Appendix.) We then modified each of the libraries to use our point Q′ and captured network traces using the libraries. We ran our attacks against these traces to simulate a passive network attacker.

In the new paper that measures how hard it was to crack open TLS when corrupted by Dual_EC, the authors changed the Qs to match the P delivered, so as to attack the code. Each of the four libraries they had was in binary form, and it appears that each had to be hard-modified in binary in order to mind their own Ps and Qs.

So did (a) the library implementors forget that issue? or (b) NIST/FIPS in its approval process fail to stress the need for users to mind their Ps and Qs? or (c) the NSA knew all along that this would be a fixed quantity in every library, derived from the standard, which was pre-derived from their exhaustive internal search for a special friendly pair? In other words:

"We would like to stress that anybody who knows the back door for the NIST-specified points can run the same attack on the fielded BSAFE and SChannel implementations without reverse engineering.

Defaults, options, choice of any form has always been known as bad for users, great for attackers and a downright nuisance for developers. Here, the libraries did the right thing by eliminating the chance for users to change those numbers. Unfortunately, they, NIST and all points thereafter, took the originals without question. Doh!

Posted by iang at April 6, 2014 07:32 PM | TrackBack
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