August 01, 2011

A tale of phishers, CAs, vendors and losers: I've come to eat your babies!

We've long documented the failure of PKI and secure browsing to be an effective solution to security needs. Now comes spectacular proof: sites engaged in carding, which is the trading of stolen credit card information, have always protected their trading sites with SSL certs of the self-signed variety. According to brief searching on 'a bunch of generic "sell CVV", "fullz", "dumps" ones,' conducted informally by Peter Gutmann, some of the CAs are now issuing certificates to carders.

This amounts to a new juvenile culinary phase in the target-rich economy of cyber-crime:

Phisher: I've come to eat your babies!
CA: Oh, yes, you'll be needing a certificate for that, $200 thanks!

Although not scientifically conducted or verified, both Mozilla and the CA concerned inclined that the criminals can have their certs and eat them too. As long as they follow the same conditions as everyone else, that's fine.

Except, it's not. Firstly, it's against the law in most all places to aid & abet a criminal. As Blackstone put it (ex Wikipedia):

"AN accessory after the fact may be, where a person, knowing a felony to have been committed, receives, relieves, comforts, or assists the felon.17 Therefore, to make an accessory ex post facto, it is in the first place requisite that he knows of the felony committed.18 In the next place, he must receive, relieve, comfort, or assist him. And, generally, any assistance whatever given to a felon, to hinder his being apprehended, tried, or suffering punishment, makes the assistor an accessory. As furnishing him with a horse to escape his pursuers, money or victuals to support him, a house or other shelter to conceal him, or open force and violence to rescue or protect him."

The point here made by Blackstone, and translated into the laws of many lands is that the assistance given is not specific, but broad. If we are in some sense assisting in the commission of the crime, then we are accessories. For which there are penalties.

And, these penalties are as if we were the criminals. For those who didn't follow the legal blah blah above, the simple thing is this: it's against the law. Go to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200.

Secondly, consider the security diaspora. Users were hoping that browsers such as Firefox, IE, etc, would protect them from phishing. The vendors' position, policy-wise and code-wise, is that their security mechanism to protect their users from phishing is to provide PKI certificates, which might evidence some level of verification on your counter-party. This reduces down to a single statement: if you are ripped off with someone who uses a cert against you, you might know something about them.

This protection is (a) ineffective against phishing, which is shown frequently every time a phisher downgrades the HTTPS to HTTP, (b) now shared & available equally with phishers themselves to assist them in their crime, and who now apparently feel that (c) the protection offered in encryption against their enemies outweighs the legal threat of some identity being revealed to their enemies. Users lose.

In open list on Mozilla's forum, the CA concerned saw no reason to address the situation. Other CAs also seem to issue to equally dodgy sites, so it's not about one CA. The general feeling in the CA-dominated sector is that identity within the cert is sufficient reason to establish a reasonable security protection, notwithstanding that history, logic, evidence and now the phishers themselves show such a claim is about as reasonable and efficacious as selling recipes for marinated babies.

It seems Peter and I stand alone. In some exasperation, I consulted with Mozilla directly. To little end; Mozilla also believe that the phishing community are deserving of certificates, they simply have to ask a CA to be invited into our trusted inner-nursery. I've no doubt that the other vendors will believe and maintain the same, an approach to legal issues sometimes known as the ostrich strategy. The only difference here being that Mozilla maintains an open forum, so it can be embarrassed into a private response, whereas CAs and other vendors can be embarrassed into silence.

Posted by iang at August 1, 2011 06:13 PM | TrackBack
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