June 24, 2006

Sealand burnt out - aid sent by neigbour UK - security guard airlifted

All things come to pass. Sealand, the erstwhile independent country in the Thames estuary and home of the HavenCo ISP for arbitrage businesses, burns out. Not to the waterline, but early reports have it as destroyed by a generator fire.

Sealand had one security guard on site. It looks like they have paid the price for high aspirations and low extinguishers.

The UK, being the nearest neighbouring country, immediately sent in disaster relief. Chances are they will probably stay to help the country back on its feet. And stay, and stay...

Late breaking news: "Michael Bates told the Evening Star the family would not give up its ownership of the former war-time fort and wanted to carry on running it."

Princely bow to JPM's wife who told him what's current and interesting.

Posted by iang at June 24, 2006 04:41 PM | TrackBack

Who's wife? Do you mean John Pau May? What is their connection to Sealand?


Posted by: Dan at June 24, 2006 11:35 PM
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