January 01, 2005

Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce

Recent grumbles in the comments to the recent FC papers post brought to mind an old journal called JIBC. I'd lost my "subscription" reminder to it many years ago and I guess I just assumed it had stopped. But, no, a little googling and I found it: the Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce. It is still pushing out 2-3 editions per year.

Back in the very early years, JIBC was there and publishing before things like the Financial Cryptography term had even been coined by Bob Hettinga. So I'm happy to come back and cheer them into the last year of their decade, given that the the first edition of this venerable journal was January 1996!

Some highlights include a regular column by Dave Birch, an article asking Why does SSL dominate the e-payment market ?, and an article predicting the return of digital cash in Waves Of Multimedia Banking Development.

JIBC published my second paper in 1997, the Critique on the 1994 EU Report on Prepaid Cards. Sometimes papers work out well, the lessons in that one are still useful in comparison to where Europe is now. So say I, at least.

Posted by iang at January 1, 2005 07:17 PM | TrackBack

Blast from the past. I remember when the online search yielded mostly expert papers on issues of the day concerning banking and the expert could be contacted. JIBC was one of those sites. Now of course you get the adword version and little if nothing beyond the Stanford University or MIT mafias concept of what is the right answer rather than an exploration of issues and facts that only suggest rather than mandate. The situation today is reflective of our government unilateral and wrong. The attempts to push some venture capitals idea down our throats seems almost certainty.

Posted by: Jimbo at January 1, 2005 02:04 PM

i want an article on internet banking uses and prospects

Posted by: loveday luckyn at February 1, 2005 01:13 PM
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