Comments: Tracking Threats - how whistleblowers can avoid tracking by cell/mobile

What about single band/dual/tri and Quad, surely a phone needs three points of location to work out the phones exact position, so using a single band will result in a location to within 1-3 miles and a DUAL will result in something like 1 mile,

would that be an accurate Statement?

I often see crimes and would like to report but I read of so many people being frustrated with the police not doing anything or getting the criminal accusing the reporter you feel why bother. I think this is why people will not report things, they are living in a surveylance society and the repercussions of THEM breathing down your neck for being honest isn't worth the effort.

Posted by Phil at May 1, 2008 09:22 PM

On tracking: there is a distinction between triangulation and tower records. The way the phone system works is that your phone talks to the nearest cell, which in a dense city is likely to place you within a square kilometer. Each cell tower will keep a record of who it is talking to, and negotiate with nearby cells for handover.

Triangulation is only possible with access to the actual towers in real time, as currently, it is not logged. (Ok, so that's what they tell us, but they haven't proven to be so reliable in their claims.) You need at least 2 towers, and preferably 3. This will take it down to under 100m X 100m, perhaps even better (I'd reckon that the difficult topography of all those buildings will make it hard to be very precise). If one was a real terrorist, rather than a net grumbler or an art thief, then this would be a serious concern.

Tri-band phones just use other country systems, I thought, so it has little to do with the question.

Posted by Iang at May 2, 2008 07:42 AM
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