Comments: Naming the unnamable, "We have a problem, Houston," who blinks first? and who replaces President Bush?

purely FWIW -- IMO this is all psycho nutjob material, mate :-)

Posted by Jape! at August 18, 2006 01:53 PM

Ian, I'm afraid you're out of touch with American politics. It was only a district court judge, and legal scholars, sucking up to the new order of things, have roundly criticized her for exercising the old and obsolete habit of being honest and speaking her mind. The Republicans are firmly in control, and have much of the media on their side. Bush can murder and snoop and kidnap as much as he likes and wherever he likes; it doesn't much matter. Right now all the federal lawyers have to do is roll Justice Kennedy or wait for Justice Stevens move on, and the President gets to keep or renew his arbitrary war powers. Check out the Court's votes on Hamdan if you don't believe me. We are in a War on Terror, we are indeed Terrified, and the President (whether Democrat or Republican) has the Caesar's imperium -- arbitrary wartime powers exercised domestically. Say goodbye to democracy in America. Say hello to the new Empire (and one like old Rome's, an imperium with arbitrary dictatorship, not like old Britain's, a constitutional monarchy).

BTW, if you don't want to be punished the next time you travel to America, I'd ditch the true-name blog and start using anonymous remailers. You foreigners are in league with the evil Muslim enemy, according to our right-wing media, especially those of you who provide crypto tools for terrorists.

Posted by USjestere at August 19, 2006 01:33 AM

Ian, I'm afraid you're out of touch with American politics. The Republicans are firmly in control, and have much of the media on their side. They're not going to lose power in November. Bush can murder and snoop and kidnap as much as he likes and wherever he likes; it doesn't much matter. Right now all the federal lawyers have to do is roll Justice Kennedy or wait for Justice Stevens move on, and the President gets to keep or renew his arbitrary war powers. Check out the votes on Hamdan if you don't believe me. We are in a War on Terror, we are indeed Terrified, and the President (whether Democrat or Republican) has the Caesar's imperium -- arbitrary wartime powers exercised domestically. Say goodbye to democracy in America. Say hello to the new Empire (and one like old Rome's, an imperium with arbitrary dictatorship, not like old Britain's, a constitutional monarchy).

BTW, I'd ditch the true-name blog if you ever plan to travel to America again. Most of you foreigners are in league with the despicable Muslims, according to the right-wing media, especially you crypto and financial people providng crypto and money laundering tools to terrorists.

In order to save freedom, we have to destroy it.

Posted by USjestere at August 19, 2006 01:39 AM

I fear that your usually sober analysis has become tainted by wishful thinking :-)

Posted by Felix at August 19, 2006 12:29 PM

Hi Ian,
Looong time no see,M says hello,
problem about the court decision is that the now NSA black project formerly known as "Darpa's TIA"(Total Information Awareness(by the felon always known as Poindexter ) is allowed to keep operating, you would know it as the "datamining" provision in the courts decision.

This is a bigger threat than all the others


Posted by gwen hastings at August 22, 2006 04:06 AM
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