Comments: CA market consolidates - Verisign to buy Geotrust

In their latest SEC filings, verisign states they have a current installed base of 462,000 SSL certificates.

Posted by nifty at May 17, 2006 03:48 PM

Being one of those 9000 resellers and one who (until recently) did a decent volume, we now cannot even sell Geotrust certs to most of our clients, because this year, mid contract, Geotrust changed their business model.

We sold certs to protect snooping and such and now those same certs have been converted to identity verification certificates. Everything is screened against government registrations now.

So we no longer really sell GT certs, but have moved to a $20 provider who does not care so much about ID, which in my mind is not what a SSL cert is in the first place.

Posted by Anon at May 18, 2006 03:45 AM
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