Comments: Threatwatch - Voice Threat Models are Snafu - Situation Normal All F***ed Up

Unfortunately for us all government employees receive the majority of their information from criminals. The criminal must have money for the risk to be taken. The issue is how one hides their money from those that would attempt to steal it or keep its very existence secret. Everyone knows that Bill Gates has money, but no one knows his credit information. The simple truth is he has hidden or shielded his wealth from criminal entities. The protester for world peace and their friends that sqwat in Berlin and eat from trash bins might have their picture taken at various world peace protest but nothing is known about them because they have no money. So between Bill Gates and world peace folks there is a purpose to shield and poverty. Criminals live somewhere in between and allow the socially networked mass of humanity to select themselves as their victims. Talking at the club about your wealth or having media describe your latest expense is your way of selecting yourself. If I where to say I have the credit card information of Apollo C. Vermouth you might say so what, but if that name where to be the real Paul from the Beatles or Wings depending on how old you are then we would say that has merit(I do not have that information nor would I want it). The issue is one of governance and control. The money and its authorization of use must be split. The phone used for authorization of transactions must be known only to you and what you buy should be kept secret. Many criminals have money and maybe your best friend waiting to sell the information you provide for a profit. Avoid those that have money and talk about it, because they will be robbed shortly and may drag you down with them. Hide everything, keep everything secret, buy used cars, buy used rather than new, go into hiding, and if you are forced to live in the limelight shield yourself.

Posted by Jimbo at May 19, 2006 05:21 AM
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