Comments: Thank Skype for not listening

Since their "CA" is really just trying to create a secure name space, they should really be doing securely unique and alienable names with owner authority:

Posted by nick at April 3, 2006 01:20 AM

Wouldn't title insurance be simpler and more secure?
If someone approaches me on-line from the other side of the globe, claiming to hold a title which for some reason is important to our business (that is the falsity of that claim would expose me to fraud), his membership in a property club that I have never heared about won't do us any good.
Title insurance, on the other hand, is enough to extend trust.

For non-transferable names, certification works just fine.

Posted by Daniel A. Nagy at April 4, 2006 03:20 AM

Of course, you should have heard of the property club (running quite publicly on the Internet). Indeed if its important to your business you should join as a node of the property club. Whether you join or not you should understand that its security protocol is much stronger than an merely legal protocol based institution (such as title insurance, which is major bureaucratic overkill for a mere address space like this despite being less secure).

Posted by nick at April 7, 2006 11:35 PM
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