Comments: Startups, Free Banking, Gift cards

Meanwhile in Canada major book retail chains agreed on a common gift card with quarterly clearing. Canadian bookstore gift cards can be used both on-line and off-line, and YOU CAN BUY GIFT CARDS for them, even on-line, without getting the physical card (just the code).
That is it is possible to do a rollover, making it a usable liquid currency. I can safely accept Canadian bookstore gift card codes as payment, beacuse I will immediately buy a new code for them, making sure the payer cannot use the old one.
The company behind the system is

Keep them on your radar, I say.

PS: Russian bookstores have switched to WebMoney long time ago. The gift certificates that they sell are just branded WebMoney (paymer) cards.

Posted by Daniel A. Nagy at February 2, 2006 07:01 AM
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