Comments: Arbitration Arises on the net

This is not Arbitration from a strict standpoint but rather a limited set of alternatives based on a complaint by one of two parties a Secretary for Complaints if you will. This is truly News Speak for the modern age and something CRM application vendors do constantly. The art of the fake automation of human interaction has created more issues to solve that it fixes. Now the concept of an arbitration agent in an adversarial system has merit via an automated complaint driven monitor could make havoc of sluggish and non-responsive bureaucratic entity but it has to choose sides does it become the nimble entity of the consumer to arbitrage the excess capital or inefficient service delivery of a government entity? I like the idea that a robot has to work for something, some goal, an objective. This e-Dispute works for Governmental Organizations and is sponsored by those that look for excuses rather than accountability. If a robot had any functionality beyond providing an automated excuse for a governmental entity then it might warrant some merit but aiding and assisting in fabrication of poor service delivery and the theft of taxpayers dollars is something governments do perfectly well without automation. The suggested resolutions are all drafted by the government who owns the system. So where are the consumer based resolutions robots that governmental entities must agree to use for resolutions and can the taxpayer’s bot have tea with the government’s bot and chat things over? The killer bot idea scan all news items for corporate public entities and correlate the factual truthfulness of based on what was said previously and by whom. This same bot with a little bit of funding could be turned on Government read the laws and determine if the statements and implementations are in fact in accord with the contract implied by electoral mandate or not. The Government Bot would automate the immediate call for selective no confidence votes and recalls of elected members based on the violation of the public trust. So the Grand Master Bot would run bots in all the areas of portfolio based upon established rules and would also perform predictive analysis and determine if a potential elected official might be likely to violate the public trust and render from this analysis derive a suitability list. I might feel better if we where in the case of e-Dispute to call the application a hired government assassin.

Posted by Jimbo at January 9, 2006 07:43 AM
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