Comments: Nokia to trial integrated phone/RFID payment system

I for one do not enjoy the prospects of someone with the ability to detect where I might be based on an undisclosed locator in my underwear. So the only true privacy will be naked out in the woods somewhere if there are any woods left. Will we embed RFÏD into children at birth and maintain a reading of their worth based on some far off database of kind dictators? I think that goods and services will suffer without a human touch. Stores without clerks and purchases without the tactile sense of touch what a way to buy an onion or a tomato for that matter. What if the coding is wrong will they toss the lot of apples out of the cart? I think that spoilage of produce and other items of commerce based on RFID thingies being placed in them will create toxic waste in land fills. So what are the enviromental implications of RFID devices?

Posted by Jimbo at October 29, 2004 12:28 PM
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