Comments: How Refugees are reducing the cost of processing refugees - for around $2000

DHS Investigating Identity Theft, College Admissions Fraud Ring

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is investigating an alleged identity theft ring run out of a home in Rancho Penasquitos.

A federal search warrant obtained by NBC 7 shows the Chinese National living there was paid thousands of dollars to get Chinese students admitted into California Universities.

According to the search warrant filed in federal court Wednesday, the subject of the investigation helped Chinese students get into the U.S. illegally and enroll into state schools by having imposters with fake ID's take entrance exams for them.
The search warrant indicates for the last three years, the sole owner and operator of Mayen was paid as much as "$25,000 per student to have an imposter take the SAT college entrance exam, the Test For English as a Foreign Language exam, and complete college applications." The imposters also allegedly used "fraudulent Chinese passports to gain access to exams."

Posted by $25k for an exam! at July 18, 2018 09:37 AM
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