Comments: (B) The Business Choice of making a Business Investment in Bitcoin (part B of ABC)

Investor Fred Wilson: Security and Hoarding Are Holding Back Bitcoin

By CoinDesk on July 21, 2014 Finance, News, Security

Venture Capitalist Fred Wilson is a self-proclaimed bitcoin believer, but when speaking at New York University recently he highlighted some of the negative aspects of the digital currency, which he said, are holding it back from widespread adoption.

Currently, security, practicality and problems related to speculation and hoarding are the biggest issues facing bitcoin, he said at an event sponsored by the NYC Foundation for Computer Science Education.

Wilson is the co-founder of venture capital firm Union Square Ventures, which has made investments in a number of successful tech start-ups, including Twitter, Tumblr, Kickstarter and Zynga. The company also has a focus on bitcoin, investing in digital currency startups rather than the currency itself. at CoinDesk


Posted by Security and Hoarding Are Holding Back Bitcoin at July 21, 2014 11:31 AM
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