Comments: MayDay! MayDay! British Banking Launches new crisis of titanic proportions...

Because English-speakers can't pronounce French very well without anglicising it:


Posted by Ewen McNeill at May 1, 2013 06:07 AM

m' aidez (french for help me)

Posted by Darren at May 1, 2013 06:11 AM

Interesting to see that the investigation by the banks themselves yielded more cases than originally estimated (by whom?)

I guess the banks will try to blow up the situation to such large proportions that politics either will give up and help to bury the scandal (either by ignoring it or furnishing some convenient legislation in a longwinded legislative process) or rally financial support for the banks.

Smart strategy


Posted by Twan at May 1, 2013 07:21 AM
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