Comments: Gold and Tungsten - a fearful mix

From Bill Murphy's Cafe:

Bill H.
It is also reported that the FBI is investigating this incident. I find this strange because our "printer in chief", Ben Bernanke has said under oath that "Gold is not money". So...if it's not money...then who cares? One also must wonder if this is some sort of false flag event to try and slow the purchases by the public through the fear of counterfeit, sorry but my mind works this way after seeing every other dirty trick in the book used over the last 15 or more years.

Posted by Bob at September 24, 2012 11:15 AM

"All over the world people are chanting, ‘Death to America.’ Except in China, where they’re chanting, ‘Not until we get our money back’." … Jay Leno

Leno got chosen to take over Johny Carson's late night show.

Posted by Bob at September 24, 2012 11:23 AM

World Hyperinflations

Steve H. Hanke and Nicholas Krus
Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health, and the Study of Business EnterpriseThe Johns Hopkins UniversityBaltimore, MD 21218Contact:
This chapter supplies, for the first time, a table that contains all 56 episodes [Huh? Just 56, what ever, read on. Still good stuff.] of hyperinflation, including several which had previously gone unreported. TheHyperinflation Table is compiled in a systematic and uniform way. Most importantly, itmeets the replicability test. It utilizes clean and consistent inflation metrics, indicates thestart and end dates of each episode, identifies the month of peak hyperinflation, andsignifies the currency that was in circulation, as well as the method used to calculateinflation rates.

[Basically, on average, all hell breaks loose for about a year and a half to two years. If you can get through that, and you've got some gold and/or silver, you might have it made, picking up some serious means of production for a small amount of physical atoms. The trick is, and this can be difficult, not to spend your atoms till the blood is just about to stop running in the streets. Blood can run for a while.

Posted by Bob at September 24, 2012 11:42 AM
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