Comments: A voting design competition?

NSA is competent, and has an interest in getting something that works, thus can judge such a contest. Who would judge a contest for voting machines?

Posted by James A. Donald at November 15, 2008 05:56 PM

>Who would judge a contest for voting machines?

The Carter center, OSCE-ODIHR and their counterparts. I.e.: the people whose core business it is to observe elections.

Posted by Rop Gonggrijp at November 16, 2008 06:45 AM

Hi iang,

I'm emailing you in regards to an email I sent to you last month about a partnership, have you had a chance to think about it?

If you have any questions or would more information, please advise me and we can go from there.

Kind Regards,
Andrew Knight

Posted by Andrew Knight at November 18, 2008 12:53 AM

Congratulations Ian, you made it into the Top 100, well done!!

Posted by Dave Birch at November 23, 2008 01:17 PM

Who would judge a contest for voting machines?

Posted by Riverskiy at November 25, 2008 06:05 AM

Elections in the 3rd world are a major problem. SEEV is a new innovative concept which uses entirely existing technologies (mobile phone sms and TAN-envelopes) in conjunction with an external international processing center to ensure that phantom voters, ballot-box stuffing, count fraud etc are a thing of the past. And the cost of this electronic voting should be less than present-day paper voting systems. SEEV could hold its first election within 6 months of project go-ahead.

Posted by SEEV - a low-cost tamper-proof voting system at January 13, 2009 05:36 AM
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