Comments: On the search for the perfect Identity Biometric: scratch Iris

Hamming distance is an biometric effective measure (I looked into the theory a while back and it was statistically convincing) but I favour multi-factor authentication as espoused in Maestro ( with a twist of social networks. For example, how can this model be applied to Afghanistan where there is no multimedia? By the same way we test authenticity in our personal relationships - who do you know - what's your social network - who are your relations, which village are you from, which school did you attend, who were your classmates. Capture this and you can analytically test the provenance of identity from social graphs.

Posted by Graeme Burnett at April 17, 2008 06:02 AM

Haha, a scientific approach to what anyone who ever played Space Quest 3 already knew ;)
(The way to bypass the facial recognition system for entry is to put up a copy of a picture of the boss in front of the camera, along with using a stolen keycard)

Posted by BigMac at April 17, 2008 08:14 AM

Feds to Collect DNA from Anyone Arrested in the U.S.

Posted on: Wednesday, 16 April 2008, 20:25 CDT

An aggressive move to prevent violent crime is also raising concerns about the privacy of innocent people. The government plans to collect DNA samples from anyone arrested by a federal law enforcement agency. The government also plans to collect DNA samples from foreigners who are detained, whether they have been charged or not. Justice Department spokesman Erik Ablin said the DNA would be collected through a cheek swab—current practices limit DNA collection only to convicted felons.

Civil liberties questions have been raised about the potential for misuse of such personal information, such as family ties and genetic conditions.

“The DNA collection would be subject to the same privacy laws applied to current DNA sampling,” said Ablin. That means none of it would be used for identifying genetic traits, diseases or disorders. Congress gave the Justice Department the authority to expand DNA collection in two different laws passed in 2005 and 2006. ...

Posted by DNA for criminals and other tourists at April 17, 2008 11:30 AM

Hey DNA tourist-- I'll be in favor of all police measures, to enforce a rule of law, after we have a democracy in legislating law.

I feel very similar on the issue of the market system, as the fundamental organizing process for all of humanity's production and political economy: I'll be in favor of the "free market" when it's free. Let me print all the money, operate the banking system fbo myself and my cronies, and sure, it will be fine if all the products and services, politicians, wars, as well as healthcare, housing etc are sold at auction for money.

So in conclusion-- we have two broad choices. Make our state and national lawmakers more accountable to the population in general, or, unfortunately, to turn against the government and police. The first choice lays claim to perhaps 5 to 10% of the citizens entire work hours. People are not doing it. The second choice is pretty ghastly. The default, I guess, that is happening now, is simply to concede power to the oligarchs and obey whatever "laws" (barf) they dish up, while they loot the planet.

Posted by Todd Boyle at April 18, 2008 11:12 AM
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