Comments: SocGen - the FC solution, the core failure, and some short term hacks...

in my (not so humble) opinion, this whole problem of creative transactions, rogue traders and etc - this is not about evil banks and banking as industry as such. the bottom line is in ancient problem of "knight kills evil dragon, and becomes dragon himself", or in less pathetic words, the problem of challenger vs turf-protector. to my best knowledge, this problem hasn't been solved as such, and once you become protecting your little turf (or big pond like SocGen), you have to spent triple efforts compared to conquest efforts. and mr. Kerviel himself was classical challenger btw.

Posted by A.T. at February 8, 2008 07:28 AM

besoin d'un nouveau mot de passe pour mail cryptés

Posted by PAVLOV at October 11, 2016 06:28 AM
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