June 24, 2010

gold coin under the hammer

One for the gold crowd: Today one of 5 massive 100kg gold coins goes under the hammer in Vienna:

The largest gold coin in the world — measuring 53 centimetres (21 inches) in diameter and weighing 100 kilograms (220 pounds) — will go on sale on June 25 in Vienna, auction house Dorotheum said on Friday.

The Maple Leaf coin, which is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records and carries a face value of one million Canadian dollars (800,000 euros, 970,000 dollars), was minted in Canada in 2007.

The auction price is expected to comfortably exceed the face value due to the current high price of gold. If mettled down, the gold would be worth around 3.9 million dollars (3.2 million euros).

One side of the coin carries the carries the image of Queen Elizabeth II, the official head of state of Canada, while the other side bears three maple leafs, the national symbol.

The coin was owned by Austrian investment firm AvW, which entered bankruptcy proceedings in May.

Posted by iang at June 24, 2010 08:37 PM | TrackBack

Worth its weight in gold then... ???

Sorry, someone had to!!

Hmm maybe it also carries a bankruptcy curse, somewhat like the Black Pearl...

Posted by: AC2 at June 25, 2010 03:36 AM

bibcle terms;gold is good;into coin,s-royal canadian mint.

Posted by: dan at January 31, 2013 11:14 AM
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