March 03, 2005

Short ones...

Hop on a plane, land, and discover Adam has posted 13 blog entries, including one that asks for more topics! Congrats on 500 posts! He posts on some testimony: " the only part of our national security apparatus that actually prevented casualties on 9/11 was the citizenry." More on security measurements ("fundamentally flawed"). Tons or stuff on Choicepoint.

Axel talks about what it means to be a security professional. Yes, there are some media stars out there, but remember "don't believe Vendor pitches." Sounds like something I would write.

Scott points at an article on the inside story of how plastic payments are battled over in Australia. Sadly, the article requires yet another subscription to yet another newspaper that you only read once and they have your data for ever. No thanks.

Stefan does some critical analysis of psuedonyms; very welcome, there is an absence of good stuff on this. A must read for me, so remind me please... Meanwhile, he comments that laws won't help identity theft, but "Schwarzenegger’s administration ... should point legal fingers ... at organizations that hold, distribute, and make consumer-impacting decisions based on identity information..." It is correct to recognise that the problem lies fundamentally with using the identity as the "hitching post" for animals in the future, but finger pointing isn't going to help. (It's a case of the One True Number.) More on that later, when I've got my draft expose on finger pointing in reasonable shape.

Posted by iang at March 3, 2005 08:30 AM | TrackBack

What I find most entertaining about the Real Security Media Stars is that all the ones I experienced are down-to-earth persons that don't give you the feeling it's rocket science what they're doing.

It sure takes the glamour out of InfoSec, but it's basically what is needed for the profession to mature.

Posted by: Axel at March 3, 2005 08:53 AM
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