October 25, 2004

Games being leaked by employees - where's the value?

In other gaming news, the New Scientist discusses the insider threats to gaming companies. In short, the employees may be leaking the games ahead of time. A moment's thought will make this a reasonable result, as the best employees are probably those from the 'underground' games scene, where hacking and copying are practiced as just another game.

So what do you do when your best employees are no respectors of intellectual property? My suggestion: stop thinking of them as employees and start thinking of them as partners. If they don't see the value in working to keep the product closely controlled until release date, maybe that's because there isn't any value in it?

Posted by iang at October 25, 2004 08:31 AM | TrackBack

Perhaps implement some form of market-based bonuses eg if a given games sells x copies, each member of the team gets a percentage of the retail price?

Posted by: Hasan Diwan at October 25, 2004 03:08 PM

The answer is easy did the employee sign a contract if so take the legal means since the employer also signed the contract. If the agreement is worthless then find another means of contracting services, but never with a thief. The reason this makes sense is that no matter how gifted a thief they are still thieves. You cannot purchase honesty or negotiate its presence in another. It is the old joke if a women where asked the million dollar question and answered yes then it is established what service for a price might be had, further negotiations on price are only present to establish a bargain the service offering remains an established fact. So will the thief steal if they are a partner? The answer is always yes because they are thieves.

Posted by: jimbo at October 26, 2004 01:40 AM